Monday, December 14, 2009


Of all the things I could miss about Florida, I miss the shopping. There is nothing around here. We live in a small town, 5 minutes away from a slightly larger, college town. Where we went to school. And there is a large city about an hour away.

But there is nothing around here. I miss H&M the most. Recently, they opened up a Forever hour away. The closest stores to us are Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and Target. We have no TJ Maxx. No Nordstorms. No Outlets. OK, there are some about an hour away. But they are small. Not really anything good there.

I miss the Outlets in Florida. I miss the cute boutiques. And the shops like H&M, Charlotte Russe, etc. I would think, they would have shops like that here. Based on the local economy. But nope. So I sit here, and miss Florida. For the shopping. Something I never really appreciated when we lived there.

Even with both of us working, we didn't have this kind of money either. We're not rich. But we're definitely more comfortable, than we were a few months ago. Honestly, I feel like going on vacation to Florida. I really do miss the stores. Why can't we have decent stores in the desert? We don't even have a MAC store! ♥E

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